Brick by Brick
Brick by Brick – How Covid Changed My Perspective – As an almost 18-year-old suffering from chronic and mental illnesses, this lockdown was never going to be easy – throw in a mum and sister who are also health-compromised, a dog, two cats, a guinea pig, and a hedgehog, and you have one heck of a household – but what I didn’t see coming was how Covid could change my life for the better.

Hot Day in a Tesco Queue by Melanie Hopkins
Over the last few months, most of us have found ourselves at some point (perhaps even weekly) standing in a supermarket queue, possibly stretching around a car park, likely bored, and definitely itchy in a mask!
Que – our first audio monologue by Melanie Hopkins ‘Hot day in a Tesco Queue’ written as a lockdown commission. We’re planning to do more dramatic audio productions, and Melanie wanted to try her hand at a bit of comedy, so the stars were aligned to see what was possible!

100 Days of Lockdown: A Disabled Writer’s Experience
At the time of writing, I have now been in the house for one hundred days (except for a hospital admission). These have been horror-filled weeks for many. The deaths of learning and physically disabled people have more than doubled since this time last year. As a disabled writer, how am I supposed to…

Cultivating Gratitude in Uncertain Times
While all of these massive life adjustments are having many negative ramifications, the space lockdown has created away from our modern lives can give us access to unexpected silver linings hiding in the darkest of the quarantine clouds.

School’s Out – Ada Urbaniak
In the light of the Covid-19 pandemic, Ada Urbaniak reflects on the pressures and strains of secondary school academia and life… Speculation rose through the classroom days before the official announcement: that schools would soon close all across England in an effort to slow the transmission of COVID-19.

Social Media to the Rescue – Jacob Waterall
Despite the unpredictability, emergency services have increased their presence across online social media platforms. This need to be visible and heard has never been more important than during the COVID-19 pandemic. Jacob Waterall takes a closer look at what having them in our newsfeeds means, and how we can all benefit from this digital outreach…

Every Little Helps – Isabel Hawksworth
Since the panic buying of early March has relaxed – when Britons spent a whopping 60 million extra in supermarkets – shelves are back to being stocked and you can even get pasta and tinned tomatoes again. But what’s the current reality of supermarket essential services?

How Far Is Too Far? Isabelle Osborne
Track & Trace in the Time of Pandemics…Over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, countries across the world have reacted to reducing its spread and devastation in dramatically different ways…

Minding How You Go
For many of us struggling with our mental wellbeing, the worst thing we can be is isolated with our own thoughts for too long – under any circumstances. So, while we’re socially distancing, now is the time to get some space from the demons in our heads too…

From Stay-at-Home to Stuck-at-Home: a young mum’s lockdown story
Taping over the speaker of yet another Fisher Price instrument of torture, I’m momentarily envious of those in childless lockdown with all that free time – to create and knit and feed their sourdough starters. I’m also wondering, scanning the images I’ve uploaded of today’s cobbled together lessons: have I made a successful leap from stay-at-home mum to trapped-at-home teacher? Will my writing survive the endless demands of being a lockdown mum? And have I too learned anything in lockdown?

Home Front non-fiction commission
Calling budding young writers, thinkers and fledgling journalists… We’re excited to introduce Home Front, a micro-commission writing opportunity for young people aged 15 to 30 in South Yorkshire. Home Front seeks interesting non-fiction articles and opinion pieces on any topic responding, directly or indirectly, to the current world we find….