Hive is offering a number of Free Reads & Feedback to young writers [17 to 30 years] for fiction, script and poetry manuscripts/portfolios who are at a stage where they have a specific goal for sending their work out into the world (such as particular submissions, awards, or competitions).
There is no current deadline, but we recommend you contact us by the end of June 2019 as there is a finite limit to the support on offer. The time and feedback we can give will depend on interest.
What we’ll look at if you’re granted a free read: We’re open to reading anything from a number of short stories, flash fiction, or poems, to up to 10k words of a novel or collection, or 20 pages of script.
Eligibility: Open to young people in South Yorkshire, aged between 17 and 30, with a priority given to those who have a specific, clear goal, and who have not previously received one to one support via Hive, or who haven’t yet been able to benefit from Hive activities.
What you need to send to be considered:
Part of the Hatch programme – Next steps for young writers in South Yorkshire